So you’ve been working on LiveView and you totally fell in love with it. You now think “holy crap, I’m never touching javascript ever again!”, and I’m 100% with you. But sometimes, you just need react.
In this article we’ll go over how to setup React with Phoenix using
without using a third party mix package.
Setting up react
The first thing you need to do is install the rect packages:
cd assets
npm i react react-dom
Now create a test comopnent:
// assets/js/components/Test.jsx
import React from 'react';
export default function TestComponent() {
return {
<h1 style={{fontSize: '4em'}}>This a react component</h1>
I like to then create a separate .jsx
file with a function too render
the react app into a DOM element. You could do this inside the
that comes built into Phoenix, but I like to keep that
file as js only without too much react specific code.
Create a new file named assets/js/react-app.jsx
and add the following:
// assets/js/react-app.jsx
import React from 'react';
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
import TestComponent from './components/Test';
export default function renderApp(element) {
ReactDom.render(<TestComponent />, element);
We’ll need to create an element on the page where we will render our react component to:
<!-- lib/yourapp_web/templates/page/index.html.heex -->
<div id="react-app"></div>
Finally, you can use the renderApp
function in assets/js/app.js
render the app to an existing DOM element.
// assets/js/app.js
// ... other code generated by phoenix ...
import renderApp from './react-app'
// this assumes there is an element on the page with id=react-app
And now you should see the component rendered on the page.
Setting up Typescript
Now that we have React working, let’s get Typescript set up.
supports typescript out of the box, you just need to create a file
with the .ts
or .tsx
extension and you’re done. Now, when I say “it
supports typescript” I mean that it will happily compile your typescript to
javascript but it will not do any type checking and error
so you will need to set up the Typescript compiler to give you those checks.
Add the following to config/dev.exs
to use the Typescript compiler (tsc
) to
do the type checking:
config :yourapp, YourappWeb.Endpoint,
# .. other config ..
watchers: [
tsc: [
# .. other watchers
Let’s break this down:
--jsx preserve
is telling the compiler to recognise JSX in your.tsx
files. -
is pretty self explanatory. -
tells the compiler to only do type checking without transpiling anything (thus leaving that up to esbuild). -
makes the output nicer with color highlights.
Now when you run mix phx.server
, the typescript compiler will check your code for errors
without doing any transpiling.